Call for submissions (new format available):
JLB’s COVID19 and Related Topics Special Initiative
On February 11, 2020, The World Health Organization officially announced the emergence of a novel virus, SARS-CoV–2, as the causative agent of COVID–19. Four weeks later a global pandemic was formally declared. In keeping with the mission of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, we are launching the COVID–19 and Related Topics Special Initiative to create an expedient and open access publication track to quickly publish leukocyte biology-related research to advance our understanding of host pathophysiology and defense/resistance against disease. Submissions for this collection will be accepted until December 31, 2021. The accepted manuscript will be published online immediately after decision is made.
Articles may be hypothesis-based or hypothesis-generating, with a review of relevant literature and/or new data. Research may feature novel basic, animal model, or translational-based findings. All research should advance our understanding of disease processes, with focus on affected organs systems impacted by this virus. Authors must tie topics investigated to leukocytes or other cells that fall within the scope of JLB. The information presented and conclusions offered need to be clear enough to be cited. The central objective is that the data presented, or hypotheses generated, will move the field toward future experiments and improve our understanding of the pathogenesis, immunology, and resolution of COVID–19 and related diseases.
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Types of submissions accepted for COVID–19 and Related Topics Special Initiative include:
- A new short-article format designed to expedite reporting, review, and publication (Concise Reports). Articles should be between 1000-1800 words, with up to 2 figures/tables.
Or follow JLB’s existing article formats: Brief Conclusive Report, full-length Articles, full-length or Mini Reviews, Technical Advances, Hybrid Reviews.
Pathway to publication:
Articles submitted will undergo preliminary review by a COVID–19 Task Force selected from SLB members, the editorial board, and chaired by the Editor-in-Chief.
All submissions must include a cover letter and address the following questions:
- Why is this manuscript suitable for publication in the COVID–19 and Related Topics Collection?
- Why will your study inspire researchers or clinicians, and how will it advance our understanding of disease or strategies to treat or prevent infections?
Criteria for selection to be applied by the COVID–19 Task Force for peer review will be based on the following:
- Does the manuscript address COVID–19 directly or indirectly via a related topic, such as viral immunology, pathogenesis, coronaviruses, zoonotic infection, etc.?
Does the manuscript address aspects of leukocyte biology (focused on analysis/profiling immune cells) and within scope of the journal?
Is data presented, even if limited in terms of mechanism of action or patient number, likely to advance the field?
- If published by JLB, is the work likely to be cited?
Submitted articles will need to achieve a “yes” answer to first two criteria and a “more likely than not” answer to the last two criteria to qualify for review. An expedited peer review will be conducted, with a decision of “accept”, “accept with minor revisions”, or “reject” rendered within 14–21 days. Accepted articles will be published by open access immediately online as part of the JLB COVID–19 and related topics collection. Rejected articles may be reconsidered as new submissions if substantial additional data or updates are added.
Accepted articles: In addition to publishing online as soon as accepted and placement into next available regular issue, articles will also be added into a “living” virtual COVID-19 and related topics collection (to be located on the JLB website). Articles will also be featured in Wiley’s COVID–19 online publication list.
Fees: All articles accepted will be published as ‘free to read’ with no charge to the authors (publication fees still apply: $1,700 for SLB members, $1,950 for non-members). Articles will be accepted until December 31, 2021
JLB COVID-19 and Related Topics Task Force
Luis J. Montaner, Editor-In-Chief, Professor, The Wistar Institute, Coverage: Viral immunopathogenesis and innate response
Dong-Yan Jin, Professor, The University of Hong Kong,  Coverage: Coronavirus immunopathogenesis and virology
Jean Scholz, Sr. Res. Investigator, University of Pennsylvania, Coverage: B-cell responses
Yufang Shi, Professor, Soochow University, Jiangsu, China Coverage: Mesenchima-macrophage Cell Therapy, Lymphopenia
Jamie Sturgill, Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, Coverage: Lung pathology and ARDS
David Weiner, Professor, The Wistar Institute, Coverage: Antigen/vaccine design
Lilin Ye, Professor, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China Coverage: T-cell Immunity