
Join Now

Joining SLB is easy.  Click the button above to sign up online. If you would like assistance in joining or require a paper form, send an email to [email protected].

If economics presents a barrier to joining, please contact us for need based waivers.  Additionally, if you know of a researcher, trainee, or lab that would benefit from membership but believe economics is a barrier for that individual or group, please contact us to discuss so we may reach out and welcome them to our community.

Membership Benefits

SLB is a collegial and dynamic scientific community focused on the ever expanding research into particular aspects of leukocyte, neutrophil and macrophage biology, with close attention to “cutting edge” topics, such as pattern recognition receptors, mucosal immunity, and host-pathogen interactions. Click on the link above for a full list of member benefits.

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues include an amazing list of comprehensive benefits which include annual meeting registration discounts and complimentary abstract submission, award eligibility, iSLB subscription, complimentary registration for special webinars, and complimentary online and iSLB career and news postings. Click HERE to view annual membership dues. There is a discounted, convenient 3 year regular membership option as well as a Lifetime option for a one time payment providing career long membership. Membership is based on the calendar year. Renewals begin after the annual meeting for next year's annual dues credit (or after November 1st, whichever is later). Membership dues are non-refundable.

If you are an author of a recent paper in JLB and received a special offer to join, please follow this link to proceed. If you received an SLB Trainee Award certificate and would like to join using your special offer code, click here.