Room Share and Childcare Connections

SLB attempts to make attending the annual conference as convenient and cost effective as possible. In this effort, two opportunities are provided.

Room Share Form

The first opportunity is to complete a form to indicate your interest to share a hotel room with another attendee.  This splits the cost of accommodations in half and has the added benefit of meeting fellow attendees and having a meeting "buddy".  This form is being provided from the start to ensure the maximum opportunity for people to connect. The deadline to complete this form is September 15, 2025 but it is advised to complete the form early to allow the best possibility for being paired with another interested attendee.

This room share form is for SLB members that are registered for the SLB 2025 Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. only. If you would like to possibly be connected to other attendees interested in finding a roommate, please ensure your membership is current and that you register for SLB 2025.

Completing this form does not guarantee you a roommate connection. SLB is pleased to assist in making connections. However, the organization is not responsible for any arrangements, agreements, financial implications or any other outcomes from a room share arrangement resulting from connections made via this survey.

Complete a Room Share Interest Form

Childcare Connections

The second opportunity is to complete a form to indicate your interest in connecting with other attendees who may be seeking to share child or dependent care services at the conference. This form is being provided from the start to ensure the maximum opportunity for people to connect. The deadline to complete this form is September 15, 2025 but it is advised to complete the form early to allow the best possibility for being paired with another interested attendee.

This room share form is for SLB members that are registered for the SLB 2025 Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. only. If you would like to possibly be connected to other attendees interested in sharing childcare onsite, please ensure your membership is current and that you register for SLB 2025.

Completing this form does not guarantee you a child care connection. SLB is pleased to assist in making connections. However, the organization is not responsible for any arrangements, agreements, financial implications or any other outcomes from any shared child or dependent arrangements resulting from connections made via this survey.

Other Childcare and Dependent Care resources: One option to identify onsite care is The hotel concierge has also suggested or as providers that serve the venue. These suggestions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation or reference. Lastly, remember during abstract submission, you may also apply for the SLB EASE grant (equitable access to scientific experiences) which may be utilized to help with child/dependent care costs if this aspect of your participation in the meeting represents a challenge.

Complete a Child/Dependent Care Connections Form