Building Bridges in Leukocyte Biology Webinar Series

Building Bridges in Leukocyte Biology Webinar Series

Through volunteer efforts, SLB will be offering a monthly series of innovative talks spanning a width breadth of interests related to the field. Registration is free for ALL. On-demand recordings are available for members only.

Our next speaker is Hawa Racine Thiamm, from Standford University, who will present "Cellular Biophysics of Neutrophils – Learning from NETosis".

This webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 from 12 pm - 1 pm eastern.

Register Now for September 18th

Hawa Racine Thiam is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Bioengineering and Microbiology and Immunology and Sarafan ChEM-H Institute Scholar at Stanford University. Her lab combines biophysics, cell Biology and Immunology to investigate the cellular biophysical mechanisms of innate immune cell functions with a particular focus on NETosis; an intriguing process during which neutrophils respond to danger signals (e.g., pathogens) by releasing their chromatin to the extracellular environment where it can trap and neutralize pathogens but also worsen inflammation. Hawa Racine’s long-term goal is to combine the knowledge generated by studying the cellular biophysics of immune cell functions, together with engineering principles to manipulate, predict and re-design innate immune cells and improve human health.

Hawa Racine earned her high school diploma in Senegal, her B.S in Physics and M.S in Physics for Biological systems from Paris Diderot University, then her Ph. D in Biophysics working with Dr. Matthieu Piel at Institut Curie where she developed microfabricated devices and discovered a novel function of branched actin networks in squeezing the nucleus during immune cell migration under confinement. She then joined Dr. Clare Waterman’s lab at the NHLBI/NIH where she combined high-resolution microscopy and quantitative cell biology approaches to reveal the cellular mechanism of NETosis, opening a new avenue for understanding this extreme cell behavior.

Look for these talks lined up for the future...

  • Collins Osei-Sarpong, Institute of Experimental Pathology - November 20th, 2024

If you would like to present at a future SLB Building Bridges webinar series, please contact Sofia De Oliveira  at [email protected]. See below for the full Building Bridges Webinar Series Mission.

Past Building Bridges Webinars available on-demand for SLB Members (login and membership required):

Go to the library
  • Irene Salinas, University of New Mexico who will present "Granulocyte recruitment in the African lungfish skin during estivation"
  • Melissa Ng, Singapore Immunology Network, "Deterministic reprogramming of neutrophils within tumors"
  • Savini Thrikawala, Clemson University,"Glucocorticoids suppress neutrophil control of Aspergillus hyphal growth in zebrafish larvae"
  • Prashanth Thevkar Nagesh, BIDMC/Harvard Medical School, "In vivo Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibition attenuates alcohol-associated liver disease by regulating granulopoiesis."
  • Elsa Bou Ghanem, University at Buffalo, "Changes in Neutrophil-pneumococcal Interactions During Aging"
  • Juan de Dios Ruiz Rosado, Nationwide Children’s Hospital “Phagocyte NADPH Oxidase: Fine-Tuning Neutrophil's Antimicrobial and Inflammatory Arsenal Against Uropathogenic E. coli”.
  • Aminata Coulibaly, West Virginia University "Using Neutrophils to Modulate Brain Output"
  • Elizabeth Wohlfert, University at Buffalo "Muscling through Chronic Infection"

    Building Bridges in Leukocyte Biology Webinar

To provide a safe platform to highlight the research done by 1) trainees, 2) scientists from underrepresented groups in the field (please check footnote *) and 3) scientists with major caregiver roles at home that restrict their travel to conferences limiting their careers (young children, dependent person, etc). We also seek to keep the leukocyte community engaged in active and fruitful scientific discussions between conferences.
Conferences have a limited number of slots for presentations which drastically limits the amount of good science that can be shown and discussed in these venues. Trainees and young faculty from underrepresented groups in the field have less chances to be invited or selected to present their work at conferences and therefore their science has less visibility. We want to provide a way to give visibility to those that usually do not have it and promote a more diverse and inclusive environment in the leukocyte field.In addition, we want to help build a dynamic and engaged leukocyte community to advance the field, this webinar series will also promote networking, collaborations and sharing of resources amongst the labs working with different leukocytes on different fields.
Webinar format
• Monthly meeting on ZOOM - 4th Wednesday of the month (tentative: 12:00 pm EST/9:00 am PST)
• 1h (5 min introduction, 45 minutes presentation ,10 minutes discussion)
Please note that presentations WILL BE RECORDED (with speaker permission), placed at SLB archive and available for all members to view at any time. Webinars will be promoted on the SLB website, email list and social media.

If you are a SLB member that fits the eligibility criteria and are interested in presenting at BBinLB webinar series, please submit the following materials to [email protected]:
• Abstract
• CV or Biosketch
• Provide specific information about eligibility (trainees, scientist from underrepresented groups in the field, and/or scientist with major caregiver roles).